Case Success: Overcoming an Abnormal EKG

EKG showing Atrial Fibrillation moved from Non-Smoker Table G to a Standard offer and a placed SVUL policy for $10M with target premium $78K!


A couple, 47-year-old male and 44-year-old female, were seeking $10M of survivorship coverage to be placed in a trust. The original illustration showed both proposed insureds at better than Standard rates. 

The case was medically approved at Preferred Best for the male, but the female was noted to have Atrial Fibrillation per her exam EKG. There was no prior history noted in her records.

The Carrier’s underwriter advised that without a cardiologist’s evaluation and diagnostics, their offer would be Non-Smoker Table G based on the EKG finding.


Upon reviewing the EKG tracing, we noted findings that we felt were not reflective of Atrial Fibrillation and asked the Carrier’s underwriter to share this information with their Medical Department for reconsideration of the female’s rating.

Upon review, the Carrier indicated that while they still felt an arrhythmia was noted on the EKG, they were comfortable with no rating for that finding, updating the offer to Standard Non-Smoker.

The case was ultimately placed with a $10M SVUL policy with a $78,000 target premium.